Contact us for your asbestos abatement service right away

Was your home or commercial facility built before 1986? If so, it may contains asbestos-a cancer-causing agent. Before a remodel or after a disaster, turn to an asbestos inspection company that can locate and safely remove this harmful material.

Get a free estimate on asbestos abatement services by contacting us today.

Asbestos was a common ingredient in a wide array of building materials, leaving a legacy of potential health risks in older properties. Homes may contain asbestos in:

  • Attic insulation, especially vermiculite
  • Floor tiles, linoleum, and their adhesives.
  • Insulation around pipes, furnaces, and boilers.
  • Duct wrapping and seam tape.
  • Transite siding and roofing materials.
  • Drywall joint compounds and window caulking.
  • Textured ceilings, such as 'popcorn' ceilings.

There are six main types of asbestos:
  • Chrysotile (white asbestos): The most common type, often found in roofing, ceilings, walls, and floors.
  • Amosite (brown asbestos): Commonly used in pipe insulation, ceiling tiles, and thermal insulation.
  • Crocidolite (blue asbestos): The most hazardous type, found in spray-on coatings and pipe insulation.
  • Anthophyllite: Less common, found in insulation and some cement products.
  • Tremolite: Can be found as a contaminant in other minerals, including vermiculite.
  • Actinolite: Used in insulation, fireproofing, and sealants.

If you suspect asbestos in your property, or are planning demolition, a professional inspection is essential. We provide comprehensive asbestos assessments to protect your health and comply with regulations.

The Importance of Professional Asbestos Abatement:

DIY asbestos removal is extremely hazardous. Disturbing asbestos-containing materials releases microscopic fibers into the air, which can be inhaled. Professional asbestos abatement is crucial because:

  • It minimizes the risk of fiber release and contamination.
  • Certified professionals use specialized equipment, such as HEPA filters and negative air machines, to contain and remove asbestos safely.
  • They follow strict safety protocols and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Improper removal can lead to long-term health risks for you and your family.
  • Asbestos removal is regulated by local, state, and federal laws. Professionals are trained to comply with these regulations, ensuring proper disposal and documentation.

Choose a testing company you can trust

When it comes to the health and safety of your loved ones, employees and customers, there's no cutting corners. Make sure you hire an asbestos abatement service that will:

  • Respond quickly to your call, show up on time and assess your potential issue.
  • Provide honest and reasonable solutions to your potential environmental issues.
  • Provide a comprehensive report, that will identify any potential hazard within your workplace or residence.
Call 989-681-2413 now to consult an asbestos inspection company about the safety of your home or workplace in Michigan.